About Me

Melissa Andersen, BBCI, BBCD, BBCPD

I love reading, watching movies, moving my body, being outside, and talking with a good friend. My passions are God, my marriage, being a mom, and loving and serving others.

As a human development major and emotional resilience life coach, I empower women to tap into and trust their intuition which increases their confidence in their personal strengths and capabilities. Cultivating a no-judgment zone is critical for developing our full potential. I also serve women as a SAL 12 Step betrayal trauma sponsor.

When I am with a woman in labor, I feel like I am where I belong - that God gave me a doula soul. My desire is to be of the best service to Mom and Partner in meeting their needs and wishes. This is your baby’s birth, and I’m here to support you in the way you feel loved and supported. I am of the firm belief that wherever Mom feels the safest is the best birthplace for her baby.

Postpartum can be a beautiful time. It can also be a really hard transition. I enjoy helping with the day to day to-do’s so Mom can recover and every member of the family can bond with Baby. There is much about our culture that makes postpartum difficult. I feel passionate about changing that culture one family at a time.

My Family

Being a wife and mommy is my favorite thing about life. I always worked towards being a homemaker. I am so grateful to be living my dream!

When we were preparing to have our first child in 2012, I thought birthing in a hospital was the only way. As I started learning about midwifery care, my passion was ignited. I wanted to learn anything and everything about pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum.

Both of my babies were born at home with a team of midwives. With my first, my husband and I learned the Bradley Method. With our second, we attended Hypnobabies classes (self-hypnosis was a huge game changer for me!). I look back on those experiences as sacred, beautiful, and empowering.

During two and a half years, we had two adoption opportunities fall through. It was gut wrenchingly painful. But God always gives beauty for ashes, and I am so grateful to be on this doula journey.

We love going to parks, chillaxing at home, and playing with friends. We especially love our extended family who live in Utah and Georgia.

 Contact me for a FREE consultation

"My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a truly safe,
comfortable, and satisfying birthing for herself and her baby.”
-Marie Mongan